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Phishing Alert
Be extra alert to phishing emails or text messages, as they may contain fake hyperlinks or fraudulent emails intended to deceive you into clicking and disclosing personal information. We strongly recommend that you carefully verify the authenticity and accuracy of the message content, including the account name, account number, subscribed services and HKBNES contact information provided. If you are in doubt, please do not reply, click on any links, download attachments, or disclose your personal information on uncertain websites. For inquiries, please contact the HKBN Enterprise Solutions Customer Service hotline at 128-180 or email for assistance.
【Notice of change in service hours】
客戶可以用手機撥打*#123#查詢本地通話及數據用量。另外亦可選擇登入「我的戶口」或My Account App,於「流動通訊服務台」內查閱您的用量紀錄,包括本地以及國際/漫遊通話分鐘、數據及短訊用量(請注意:用量紀錄可能稍有延遲)。
客戶只要以手機撥打*131*138# (回港Call) 便可於漫遊期間收聽留言,收費為漫遊時以回港Call撥打回港之收費。
計劃是以漫遊當地的首都時間計算,由00:00 – 23:59為一日。
本公司於3G/4G 網絡都有服務,而實際的速度受當時網絡情況而提供服務。該速度已可供你流暢地瀏覽不同網頁及使用各類型的APPs,請你留意實際數據傳輸及連線速度會受不同因素影響,包括身處地點,網絡流量狀態、週遭環境、手機硬件及軟件等等。
Cloud and Data Center
System Integration
Note: HKBN Wi-Fi Service is provided by HKBN Group Limited. Each Wi-Fi service location may include different numbers of hotspots.
The signal connecting Wi-Fi to an Access Point can usually reach within 50m range in a closed environment. However, it may be affected due to signal interference, location and installation location of the Access Point. For example, the signal strength gets weaker if user walks further away from the Access Point, which may result in slow Internet speed.
If the Wireless LAN Card or Access Point is placed near metal surfaces or high-density materials, the signal strength will be affected. If there are obstacles in the radio signal path between the Access Point and Wireless LAN Card, radio signal may either be absorbed or reflected, which the network coverage will be reduced. In addition, if there are other products that operate in the 2.4GHz radio spectrum including Microwave ovens or some cordless phones, it may also cause interference. As a result, please avoid yourself from these devices when using our service.
No. Turning off your Wi-Fi enabled device will not allow you to disconnect automatically. The connection will be disconnected automatically if the connection is idle for 15 minutes.
If you have exceeded 15 minutes idle time, you will still be connected to our service. After reboot, you can continue to access the Internet. If the idle timeout has expired, you need to restart the connection again.
If you have exceeded 15 minutes idle time, you will still be connected to our service. After reboot, you can continue to access the Internet. If the idle timeout has expired, you need to restart the connection again.
In most cases, this may be the result of poor wireless connectivity between your computer and the Access Point. You may need to change the current position in order to improve the signal quality. If you are still unable to connect, please restart your Wi-Fi enabled device and try again.
To strengthen the security level, your Login ID and password are encrypted and using SSL for data transmission security. In addition, we recommend you to use encryption when sending any confidential information.
Please first examine whether you can browse other sites through HKBN Wi-Fi and be assured that VPN is working properly. If no other issues are found, the real causes of the conflict may arise between your VPN settings and HKBN Wi-Fi. Please contact your VPA network operator to understand the case.
This is mainly because you haven’t logged in HKBN Wi-Fi network. Please first open the browser connecting to any sites, your page will automatically direct you to our HKBN Wi-Fi landing page. Please enter your “Username” and “Password” at the landing page and select “Customer Type” and click “Log In”. You can use the service immediately after logging in successfully.
First, please confirm whether you are connected to the network name(also known as SSID or ESSID) of ” -HKBN Wi-Fi” or “- HKBN Wi-Fi”. Then, you can examine the signal between Wireless LAN Card and the Access Point. If the reception strength is too weak, you may want to consider changing the position to improve the signal strength. Some Wireless LAN Card allows you to install an external antenna in order to improve the quality of the connection. If the problem persists, please ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements of our service. For details, please refer to the user guide.
HKBN Wi-Fi users among all 8 recognized tertiary institutions are required to login through the SSID of our partner Y5zone. Please select Y5zone from the wireless network list and your username and password remain unchanged.
Please first confirm whether your login account is using HKBN Wi-Fi service and have not been suspended. Please verify whether you have entered the correct username (including the selection of the customer type) and password. Please note that the username and password are case-sensitive.
Note: HKBN Wi-Fi Service is provided by HKBN Group Limited. Each Wi-Fi service location may include different numbers of hotspots.
Voice and Collaboration
You must have a working Hong Kong local mobile phone number that can receive and make calls and has access to the Internet via mobile data network (data network is required for initiating outbound calls, retrieving call history and changing call settings). You must also provide a valid Hong Kong address for emergency registration and email address for receiving the Service Confirmation email and voicemails.
Yes, No physical installation of telephone lines are needed.
Please go to MobileOffice Plus User Portal and log in. Please select “Change User Password”, “Change Voice Mail Password” or “Change Email Address for Voicemail”.
You must ask Staff A to UNINSTALL the MobileOffice Plus on his/her device and change the login password at MobileOffice Plus User Portal and use new password to log in on Staff B’s device.
Internet Call Mode consumes a little more battery when it is running in the background of iPhone, so it is highly recommended to use Mobile Call Mode for daily use unless you want to use VoIP calls (Internet calling).
Mobile Call Mode consumes very little energy when it runs in the background.
The table below provides the data usage estimation for reference only.
Mobile Call | Internet Call | |
Data connection required for calls? | Y Only for placing outbound calls |
Y Required for entire phone conversation |
Initiate outgoing call | Data usage: < 100KB | |
Phone conversation | No data usage, only calling minutes of your phone | ~6MB data usage for a 5-minute phone call |
The devices listed below are not supported by MobileOffice Plus at this stage:
Dell |
Asus |
Acer |
Samsung |
You need to turn ON Answer confirmation in the Call Settings > Mobility > Answer Confirmation to distinguish whether an incoming call is from your mobile network or fixed line network (your office phone number). When you answer an incoming call from your fixed line telephone number, you will hear an announcement asking you to press any key to confirm answering the call. When the incoming call is not from your fixed line telephone number, you will NOT hear such an announcement.
The “Call Transfer” option must be enabled if you wish to initiate a 3-way conference call. Please note when “Call Transfer” option is enabled, Call Waiting feature of your office phone number will be disabled.
“Play Ring Reminder” option is only available for Infinite Voice users but not available to MobileOffice Plus users.
BCP stands for Business Continuity Plan. If you have turned OFF the Mobility, the incoming call to your office phone number will follow the Call Forwarding (BCP) rule. The default destination is forwarded to your voicemail.
It may be due to the “Number of Rings” in “Call Forward – No Answer” being larger than your mobile phone operator’s value. That means your mobile phone operator’s voicemail is taking the unanswered call before MobileOffice Plus. If you wish to forward calls to your office phone number’s voicemail, we recommend that you try setting a smaller value of “Number of Rings” or enable “Answer Confirmation”. Please check your mobile phone operator about their number of ring values as different mobile operators have different values.
For both iPhone and Android smartphone versions, and under both Internet Call Mode or Mobile Call Mode, you will still be able to receive incoming calls to your office phone number with the App.
*Please note that if you close MobileOffice Plus from iPhone’s multitasking (double-click the Home button) or Android’s recent App list (click the Overview button) under Internet Call Mode, you would not be able to receive calls to your office number until you open the MobileOffice Plus and log in again.
For Android user
Android OS 4 or later that conforms to the following requirements:
For Android user (Android OS 6.0 or above ONLY)
Go to Settings > Privacy and Safety > App Permissions > Contacts, look for “MobileOffice Plus” and disable.
Please note that you must ALLOW (1) make and manage phone calls and (3) record audio in order to make and receive calls via MobileOffice Plus. If you would like to browse your local contacts within MobileOffice Plus, please ALLOW (2) access to your contacts. Summary:
Permission [<item>] | ALLOW permission? | What does it do? |
(1) Make and manage phone calls [Calls] | MUST | Enable phone call via App |
(2) Access your contacts [Contacts] | Optional | Browse your local contacts within App |
(3) Record audio [Microphone] | MUST | Use the device’s microphone for phone call |
(4) Take picture and record video [Camera] | Optional | Not necessary |
Smart & Digital Solutions
IT Outsourcing
Can I use one cheque to settle all accounts under HKBN Enterprise Solutions?
Since the bills are still separated, please pay the bill separately.
Which payee should I use if issue the cheque?
Kindly make sure the cheque is made payable to “HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited” in the future.
Can I pay via your HKBN shop?
The shop currently doesn’t provide payment services for HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited related payments.
Can I deposit the cheque to Bank of China Cheque Deposit Machine?
Bank of China Cheque Deposit Machine currently doesn’t support the payment for HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited (formerly known as WTT HK Ltd) accounts
閣下亦可以登入「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 查看最近12期之賬單。
需要。詳情可與貴公司的專屬客戶經理聯絡或致電客戶服務熱線128180。閣下亦可以登入「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 查看最近12期之賬單。
可向貴公司的專屬客戶經理或致電客戶服務熱線128180索取[賬單收取服務更新表格]。填妥後傳真至3999 7800或電郵至。
我可以在香港寬頻「我的戶口」/ MyAccount ,查閱多久以前的香港寬頻月結單?
閣下可經由「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 查閱過去12期的賬單及最近3次的繳費記錄。
我是否可以設定「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的顯示語言?
可以,客戶只需按頁面右上方的 ENG/ 中文標籤,便可切換中文或英文。
有什麼原因,導致我登入「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 一段時間後,系統自動登出,並要求我再次登入?
為避免「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 頁面在意外閒置情況下洩露了戶口資料予第三方,故我們預設頁面閒置超過15分鐘,系統便會自動登出。
若忘記「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的賬戶號碼,怎麼辦?
若忘記「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的密碼,怎麼辦?
我可以更改「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的密碼及/或登入名稱嗎?
「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的登入名稱是閣下9位數的賬戶號碼,是不能更改的。而登入密碼則預設為閣下之商業登記証首8位號碼,如要更改,可到「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的更改密碼功能內作出更新。
如本公司管理「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的同事有所更新或已離職,該怎辦?
建議閣下聯絡專屬客戶經理或我們客戶服務熱線128180更新相關聯絡資料及更改「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的用戶密碼。
「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 有甚麼功能?
「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 的主要有3方面的功能,
閣下可聯絡客戶經理了解詳情。如閣下經由「我的戶口」/ MyAccount 於網上進行續約的話,亦可直接致電客戶服務熱線128180查詢。
建議閣下可致電客戶服務熱線128180,接通後按 “4”字與我們香港寬頻技術支援熱線同事作進一步查詢。
如何更改商業客戶地址 / 更改商業客戶地址 / 電話資料?
登入「我的戶口」/ MyAccount,在支援服務內下載有關申請表格,或致電客戶服務熱線128180索取相關表格。填妥後傳真至3999 7800或電郵至。