Our commitment is to provide the innovative network security products and services to our customers.
Jason Su
HK Asia Network Security Technology Limited – Product Director
Case Background
Jason Su, Product Director of HK Asia Network Security Technology Limited (HKANST), mentioned, “it is our commitment to be at the forefront, develop and provide innovative network security products and services.”
Over the years, to adhere to the philosophy “Security, Innovation, Service”, HKANST has continued to promote the development of innovative technologies. From AI Assessment Robot to over 10 network security products and services covering cloud, applications, AI enablement, gradually they have built a reputation and became a reliable cybersecurity guardian among the Government, finance, energy, operators, taxation, transportation, manufacturing industries.
HKANST is optimistic about the potential of innovative development, especially for the field of AI development. With their customer-oriented missions, forward thinking and strategies, they believe that introducing exceptional and stable 25Gbps GigaFast Business Broadband network connection, the high upload and download speed as well as low latency response can ensure HKANST to quickly respond to the customer needs, thereby to enhance services delivery capabilities and operational efficiency.
Over the years, to adhere to the philosophy “Security, Innovation, Service”, HKANST has continued to promote the development of innovative technologies. From AI Assessment Robot to over 10 network security products and services covering cloud, applications, AI enablement, gradually they have built a reputation and became a reliable cybersecurity guardian among the Government, finance, energy, operators, taxation, transportation, manufacturing industries.
HKANST is optimistic about the potential of innovative development, especially for the field of AI development. With their customer-oriented missions, forward thinking and strategies, they believe that introducing exceptional and stable 25Gbps GigaFast Business Broadband network connection, the high upload and download speed as well as low latency response can ensure HKANST to quickly respond to the customer needs, thereby to enhance services delivery capabilities and operational efficiency.